
July '23 Recap

Time truly flies by. July passed in the blink of an eye, but it was packed with fun shoots. August promises to bring some action too (🇨🇦), but I can already sense that summer will be over before I know it, and I'll be back to my regular job. Enjoy this newsletter because it’s a rather long one…

Thanks for reading

Giel Sweertvaegher

Last month’s work

🆕 I didn’t release a new Youtube video, but you can see a preview here of what’s coming in the next months.

🆒 ⬆️My favorite Instagram posts I made this month and also my best performing post: Vrieske doing his thing behind the Skyvan.

⬇️ My worst performing Instagram post: Mexico in color.

Behind the Scenes

🇬🇧 UK projects
  • During my 10- day trip to the UK with the Aviation PhotoCrew, I had planned to create some behind-the-scenes videos, and I did manage to capture some footage. However, it proved to be quite challenging to simultaneously shoot photos, record videos, and film behind-the-scenes content, even when using my iPhone. Additionally, talking to the camera while filming myself made me feel like an idiot. So, while there is footage, I'm still unsure about what I'll do with it and how I'll use it.

  • The trip began with an incredible flight in the Catalina. It was quite the experience to see the crew at work. The pilots yanking the controls only to see the plane barely respond. Sitting in the big bubble windows was another highlight. The view is phenomenal. I managed to film a lot during this flight, and I'm planning to create a short YouTube video from the footage (and don't worry, I won't be talking in it!). Afterward, we spent the rest of the day exploring the Duxford museum, taking in all the fascinating exhibits. Here’s a little preview.

  • The next two days were spent shooting warbirds in the air. On the first day, we took multiple sorties from Peterborough, capturing the Catalina, Electra, Hurricane, Thunderbolt, and many more. The following day, we flew from Old Warden, where we were fortunate enough to shoot the racers and some warbirds of the Shuttleworth Collection. During the breaks between flights, I had a chance to explore the collection and it’s absolutely stunning. I can only recommend you have visit if you ever get the opportunity! I managed to film some behind-the-scenes, and I'm planning to create another short video about this experience (though I should mention that I do talk in this one, so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out!). The warbird project was undeniably a success, and though I still need to edit these photos, here's a little teaser to give you a taste of what's to come.

  • After a well deserved rest day we headed over to Lakenheath for the USAFE day. The day began with an emergency landing. We were just taxiing when the F-15 came in and blocked the runway for a short while. Luckily we were already there. The welcome at Lakenheath was really good. Eagle and F-35 pilots came in to give us a presentation about their aircraft and in the afternoon (after a second emergency) we got to fly. Weather turned out to be absolute shit, but we still were able to catch the F-15, F-35, Osprey and KC-130. Due to security reasons we weren’t allowed to film or photograph while on the base, so there won’t be any behind the scenes appearing on my YT channel.

  • And then, after all this action came the RIAT project. Two days packed with flying. Literally from morning till evening, one plane after another, totaling more than 30 joinups in Two days. Unfortunately, the third day had to be canceled due to heavy rainfall. Despite the abundance of highlights, my two main targets, the Italian Harriers and AMX, were canceled. However, there's still hope, as the Italian Harriers will be around for a little while, and the Aviation PhotoCrew has a Harrier day planned for the end of August, though regrettably, I won't be able to attend. Fingers crossed for next year! The AMX is another bummer because these go out of service. It will forever be the jet I wished for, but didn’t get. But let’s stay positive here. There were too many cool planes to name that did show up! I didn’t film behind the scenes here because the turnaround time between flights was sometimes only 10 to 15 minutes. I simply lacked the time to film! You can be sure that I’ll make a cinematic video though!

🇩🇪 Berlin
  • After a brief return home, I went on a trip to Berlin with my wife. Our goal was to take some time off and enjoy the city. Surprisingly, I didn't end up taking many photographs during this trip. I didn't find Berlin to be as photogenic as some other places I've visited. Nevertheless, I may have a small series of photographs from my visit to Berlin Tempelhof, which was perhaps the highlight of the entire trip. Instead of taking photos, I enjoyed the city's atmosphere and explored several museums, which were really nice. On the other hand, I did film numerous short videos during our stay, and I'm planning to create a short video similar to the one I made for Morocco.

  • If you have an interest in WWII or the Cold War, I highly recommend visiting Berlin. The city breathes history, and its architecture reflects a fascinating mix of styles. You'll also find some excellent food.

Worth Sharing





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